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Welcome to HouseCall,
Trend Micro's free on-line virus scanner.

In order to better serve our customers, we are now asking HouseCall users to register before scanning their computer.  By registering you will receive Virus Alerts from our team of Virus Doctors. You will be able to unsubscribe when you receive your first email.
To scan your computer without registering, please click here.


HouseCall is Trend Micro's FREE, online, on-demand, virus scanning service.  This unique facility is available to EVERYONE -- whether or not you are an existing Trend Micro customer.  

To start scanning, just click on the HouseCall icon, then specify the country you are from. It's that easy, and it won't cost you anything. And since this facility is maintained by Trend Micro, you can be sure that you will ALWAYS be using the latest virus detection patterns and scanning technology.

HouseCall, however, doesn't offer real-time scanning. Use this tool to check for an EXISTING infection, in either your PC or diskette, and to clean the affected files when necessary. It is useful for stopping an infection before it causes damage, or to prevent further damage. 

For total protection, download a 30-day trial version of PC-cillin 2000, now. 





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